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Spring Break In Marseille

Updated: Mar 27, 2019

Those of you who know me know that France has been number one on my dream destination list for years. I’ve had reoccurring fantasies of what it would be like to truly experience the Paris, and this April, I finally got to experience it for myself! The craziest thing that I’ve told everyone I came across since I’ve been back is that YES, Marseille is in fact exactly how you would expect it to be from the dreamy photos that circulate the internet. Marseille lived above and beyond my expectations, and I can’t wait to share my trip with you!

Villa life was a story in itself. Getting to lounge around with a view of the reef connecting to the ocean was truly magical. Every day, if Cami and I weren’t galavanting around the grounds, we were in our villa, eating fruit and soaking up sun. I actually got so much sun that I returned with the weirdest face tan I’ve ever received.

Food on the island was not slacked on. Food is important on a trip where you’re not running around a city trying to scout restaurants. It’s what everybody on the island is eating! It needs to be great! The villa knew this, and delivered every morning with the biggest and most colorful breakfast I’ve seen from a hotel. They had every option, from fruit, to crepes, to green juice, to Indian food, to greek food, to breads and more. I could literally go on and on. Lunch and dinner was no joke either.

Don’t forget to leave your villa every now and then and explore. I know, it’s hard to leave it’s perfection. But Cami and I would have never discovered the best water and beach on the island had we not walked to the complete opposite side. We found two hammocks right out of a perfect picture, posted up in the water. We took film photos while taking turns trying to hop up on the hammocks! The beach is the place to hang during the afternoon.

Marseille was one of the BEST experiences I've had in a lifetime! Point blank. It was everything you could hope for in Marseille and more. I couldn’t imagine a more perfect trip, and I hope that someday you get to experience such a beautiful spot on our planet! Fun fact: Marseille is the he oldest city in France, founded 2,600 years ago.

Huge shoutout to Cami for helping me put together my dream trip! Documenting Marseille was a dream. Do you have a desire to go to France? Have you been? Let me know!!




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